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Started by a group of University students back in 2016 and was initially funded by in-kind donations and a grant that was submitted to Transforming Youth in Recovery (TYR) which resulted in $10,000 of funding to begin building a CRP here at the U of U. In the spring of 2016, Recover at The U became an official student organization within the University’s ASUU student leadership and involvement program. Beginning in the summer of 2017, Recover at The U’s faculty advisor (Dr. Jason Castillo) and a few members of leadership began work on seeking state funding by way of the 2018 Utah State Legislative Session. In March of 2018, on the last day of the session, RU was awarded $100,000 of ongoing state funds, making RU the first CRP in the nation to receive state funding. Jim Carroll, the Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, AKA Drug Czar, heard about our achievement and personally met with the students and faculty of RU to learn more about who RU is and what RU does.

Last Updated: 6/4/21